(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 42 – Theon Greyjoy has a not-so-fresh feeling, PS loves hardcore gay sex, and Arya makes Peanut Butter


Episode 42 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight’s podcast concludes our second season coverage of A Game of Thrones, by George Martin! Near fear – Poufwa Exchange will swing by the universe early next season. The coverage gets so good that Dethryl issues a mustache-trimming moratorium to help deal with the enthusiasm!

This episode boasts character discussion of Sansa, Arya, and Jon.

*Old Nan is secretly one of the Others.
*Dethryl revisits Sansa-gate, circles the lot once and arrives back where he started.
*Poufwa Exchange supports the Second Amendment, as well as the third, sixth, the tenth on Sundays, the sixteenth when we want to pay for the Moon Landing, and we generally flip coins on the eighteen and twenty-first.
*Jen2 slays Dethryl. Laughter warning for 42 minutes. Avoid gas stations!
*Snape is a Homefries Nazi. Like with soup.
*Aaron shares his dinner, Saul’s on the wall, and the hosts start to hit on each other. I smell sweeps week!

If you’re confused by the Christmas talk, this episode recorded in December. We won’t tell you which year!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Jen2, Aaron

Runtime: 1’33’15
Editor: Dethryl

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