(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 29 – Siggles, Creeps, and Eunichs
Episode 29 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!
Continuing our B5-ASOAF see-saw, we pick up A Game of Thrones! Around Page 91 in the Hardcover and 99 in paperback. Kindle readers – good luck!
Jen2 is a very funny woman, right? We welcome her back to the podcast in true Poufwanian style — on narcotics! She and Dethryl hate on Sansa, Catelyn goes for a ride in a boat-boat, and your hosts lock themselves in the car!
Varys is a child molester, either has cancer or male pattern baldness, and may be Frosty the Snowman. Would this be a good time for Jen2 to discuss the bare minimum requirements for making popcorn?
Around 35 minutes, we completely lose it. Just a caution.
Fasten, Zip: Socks, Pants, and Bras!
And PS strips on air. For ratings.
The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, Jen2, and PS, with me way in the background and by no means responsible!