The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

November 21, 2013

(Castle) Episode 69 – Kat does not have a sordid sex life

Filed under: Castle — Dethryl @ 8:18 am

After a very long delay, the hosts are discussing the second season of Castle, starring the incorrigible Nathan Fillion. Be forewarned: Kat gets fairly bombed during these two recordings. ‘How bombed?’, you ask. By her own proclamation, she wants to have babies with her Pinot Noir. Enough that we got her to discuss sex, politics, and religion, her trifecta of verboten topics. Despite numerous protests that we’re not going to get political, that’s exactly where we go. The gun policy discussion starts at the 4 hour mark and lasts a good 25 minutes.
We love the very cohesive, self-referencing world. It’s nice to see the secondary characters step up, like Honeymilk. Despite this season being too much of “Just another cop show”, it’s still better than any other cop show out there. The MEs are awesome.
We forget to call Bob. We engage in broad generalizations of men and women. Kat compares breast implants to puppies. We give criminal advice that is not to be used. We discover that Deth does not have boobs or curvy hips. We have a discussion about towels/towel physics.
* The Fonz and other pop culture icons. Inner death. Generational disconnect. The joys of modern air travel.
* Traffic stop etiquette.
* The joy of infomercials. “Now I own a boat-boat!”
* Crazy cat ladies.
* The awesomeness of Robert Picardo.
* Lethal Weapon is a great series of movies.
* PSA: Practice safe bondage and use safe words.
* Sneezing is the same as meth.
* Nikki Heat is real.
* Startling Revelations:
Kat knows about forensic science and criminal justice
Bob doesn’t speak much
Deth has issues with crime show science

Maniacs: Deth, Kat, Bob – King of Squirrels
MIA: Scott
Time: 5:09:36
Editor: Dethryl

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