The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

March 7, 2015

(ASOIAF) Episode 75 – The King Is Dead. Long Live The King.

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — Dethryl @ 11:28 am

After a very long time to read the book, longer to record the episode, and somehow even longer to edit and release, Poufwa Exchange returns to cover A Storm Of Swords and season 3 episode 9 of the hit HBO series Game Of Thrones. Along the way we question if 13 years is enough spoiler space.
Deth and Kat are on their own for most of tonight. Moony and raesive weren’t available for reasons that escape me now. With just two people talking, we’re able to whip through the material in good order. Character death is discussed in much detail. There’s some squeeing involved and also some tears. Bagels, bagels everywhere – except for Tyrion. Honestly, George! What’s with the creepy people? We fill up the remaining time with much silliness. Kat is wielding Aunt Petunia’s frying pan tonight while she comments on society as a whole. She also gets emotional about Arya and Tyrion. She and Deth both smell like garlic for some reason.
Dethryl and Kathryn have chickens. You may hear them being a bit giddy. Baby chickens are just too darn cute. If you want to see pictures, find Dethryl on Facebook.

Startling Revelations:
* GRRM cannot write action.
* Remus got a real babe.

Hosts: Dethryl, Kat
Special Guests: Moony, raesive, Kathryn
Length: 2:47:16
Editor: Deth

September 7, 2013

(ASOIAF) Episode 67 – They did this really well on the TV show

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — Dethryl @ 11:08 am

Dethryl finally reread the second book of the series and took notes, so here we go. He’s been watching the Game of Thrones HBO series with Kathryn and is prone to comparing it to the book tonight. It’s really hard not to when they get so much right and the visuals are just so spot-on. No discussion of anything from season 3, as it’s not out yet at the time of this recording.
* Faraday is very talkative.
* Deth has a job interview.
* The introduction to Marv Snow. “No, no, you silly little girl.” He induces a nerd rage over Star Wars from someone who knows about fanedits and fanfilms.
* Phone time with Londo.
* Deth spoils Kat on something that happened in the previous book.
* All of the families exhibit all of the traits of all the Hogwarts houses. Lannisters are Gryffindors, but Tyrion is a Slytherpuff. Catelyn is an ADHD Hufflepuff.
* George RR Martin writes way too much rape, incest, and other creepy things. We’re tired of it, but we love the actual plot too much to stop reading.
* Deth keeps fading out. Is he playing with his button like Kat was in episode 63? That would be difficult, as he doesn’t have one.

Maniacs: Deth, Kat
Special Guest Maniac: Faraday the Cockatiel
MIA: Jen2
Time: 3:37:29
Editor: Deth

November 29, 2011

(ASOIAF-DWD) Episode 53 – Jen2 Monologues For Two Hours

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 3:50 am


Episode 53 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Dethryl and Jen2 sit down for a follow-up to ASOIAF book five, A Dance With Dragons. We spoil absolutely everything, so consider yourself notified. Jen2 cackles with glee when she discovers that tonight is all for her, and she does her best Ryan impersonation for the next two hours. Deth is on Vitamin B overdose, and we get a Moment In Science. Valid points and cheap laughs are in equal proportions.

Startling revelations:

* Ryan and Danielle are now responsible for another life. Mazel tov!
* Daario’s magic penis and electric horse will save the day.
* The secret identity of Coldhands!
* Jen2 is a mysogynistic bastard.

Coming Soon in Season Three (This Does Not Constitute A Promise Or Obligation):
* Doctor Who
* Castle
* The 4400
* Monty Python
* Cowboy Bebop

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Dethryl and Jen2
Runtime: 1’42″06

Editor: Dethryl

November 9, 2011

(ASOIAF-DWD) Episode 52 – Other than that, we have no strong feelings on the matter

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 3:53 am


Episode 52 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, our hosts reconvene their coverage of ASOIAF and are jumping directly to the newly-released fifth book, A Dance With Dragons. We spoil absolutely everything, so consider yourself notified. Our hosts are of divided opinion and the expelitives are flying fast and furious. We are an explicit podcast, but tonight we really earn it. We’ve got our dander up, so we’re very on-topic.

Startling revelations:
* All of the hosts have at one point been the Lord of Harrenhal.
* Bran is Voldemort. Harry is Hodor.
* Here a warg, there a warg, everywhere a warg-warg!
* If Dany is infertile, and if Jon is Rhaegar’s legitimate son, then to have further Targaeryns must involve mpreg with Aegon.
* Dethryl, Aaron, and PS will be the three dragonriders.

We are planning episodes devoted to Doctor Who, Castle, The 4400, The Hunger Games, Monty Python, Cowboy Bebop, The Walking Dead and more, featuring different groups led by the regular hosts with guest appearances from interested Poufwanians. Go to to sign up!

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Dethryl, PS, Aaron, and Richard, Elle
Runtime: 2’41’49

Editor: Dethryl

August 6, 2011

(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 42 – Theon Greyjoy has a not-so-fresh feeling, PS loves hardcore gay sex, and Arya makes Peanut Butter

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 5:02 am


Episode 42 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight’s podcast concludes our second season coverage of A Game of Thrones, by George Martin! Near fear – Poufwa Exchange will swing by the universe early next season. The coverage gets so good that Dethryl issues a mustache-trimming moratorium to help deal with the enthusiasm!

This episode boasts character discussion of Sansa, Arya, and Jon.

*Old Nan is secretly one of the Others.
*Dethryl revisits Sansa-gate, circles the lot once and arrives back where he started.
*Poufwa Exchange supports the Second Amendment, as well as the third, sixth, the tenth on Sundays, the sixteenth when we want to pay for the Moon Landing, and we generally flip coins on the eighteen and twenty-first.
*Jen2 slays Dethryl. Laughter warning for 42 minutes. Avoid gas stations!
*Snape is a Homefries Nazi. Like with soup.
*Aaron shares his dinner, Saul’s on the wall, and the hosts start to hit on each other. I smell sweeps week!

If you’re confused by the Christmas talk, this episode recorded in December. We won’t tell you which year!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Jen2, Aaron

Runtime: 1’33’15
Editor: Dethryl

June 16, 2011

(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 37 – The Fact of the Matter is…

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 12:58 am


Episode 37 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Welcome back to A Game of Thrones, by George Martin!

This episode boasts character discussion of Ed and Cate…on paper.

Tonight’s podcast features the return of Sansa-Gate. Allow yourself a moment to digest. In a shocking plot twist, PS, notorious bleeding heart still reeling from the discovery of World of Warcraft, has no love for an eight year old boy who gets thrown out a window! Richard may call Deth an arsehole, and Deth may call PS a bitch, but at least we can agree that Cersei is EVIL!! Golden Props to Mike for starting most of us on this book!

GRRM needs to stop boozing and whoring and write the next book, dammit! My, that was harsh. Joffrey is a little bitch-boy. Harsher. The new Google image search sucks, Omly relates the resurgence of maggots in modern medicine. At the mention of maggots, my inner eight year old girl returns.

Lastly, a public service announcement: If Aaron tried being gay, he might like it.

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Richard, Aaron, (Apprentice Maniac) Omly

Runtime: 2’16’41
Editor: Dethryl

May 18, 2011

(A Song Of Ice And Fire) Episode 35 – Dethryl and the need to Re-Read HP Canon

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 2:36 am


Episode 35 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

In tonight’s podcast:

* Poufwa resumes discussion of A Song of Ice and Fire and does that thing where you’re driving an RV and excuse yourself to get a steaming cup of coffee and perhaps a donut from the back and then realize you were in charge of steering the damn thing and the cruise control is on and even though death is imminent you still find a place to carefully set down the coffee because you don’t want it to splash or anything, and all of a sudden this is a World of WarCraft podcast where PS is holding the WoW manual upside down and squinting and Jen2 looks half her age and is doing a Moaning Myrtle impression talking about killing and death while still forgetting to record the last The Walking Dead podcast with me…

* and something about a Stallion Mounting the World and hot pie.

This episode delves into the characters of Dany, Sansa, and Eddard. Because it’s fun and chapter-by-chapter got locked in the trunk.

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Jen2, Aaron

Runtime: 1’56’10
Editor: Dethryl

April 17, 2011

(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 33 – Cats, Beds and the Stallion that Mounts the World

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 8:45 pm


Episode 33 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Resuming discussion of A Song of Ice and Fire, Dethryl is missing, Jen2’s bed is bigger than a jail cell, and circling around the parking lot back to our Harry Potter roots, we discuss how to properly train a post owl!

And other stuff relating to, you know…Westeros.

This episode covers roughly Chapters 324-471.

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: PS, Jen2, Aaron

Runtime: 1’43’37
Editor: PS

March 23, 2011

(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 31 – Further Coverage of the Upcoming HBO Series, “A Song of Ice and Fire”

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 1:40 am


Holy crap! An on-time release!

In tonight’s episode, beginning with Page 117 of A Song of Ice and Fire (Page 202 in the paperback), we question whether this is a fic. Can we call it a fic? More to the point, can we stop calling it a fic? I doubt it, but we report and you decide. PS is on quaaludes, can’t tell time or do maths, and issues a PSA. I’m getting excited already! Richard refuses to watch A Very Potter Musical despite it having an awesome rendition of its favorite characters. Sounds on-topic! Lady or Nymeria? Grey Wind or Ghost? Shaggydog or Summer? Jen2 is on vicodin because she was masquerading as Jen Classic and contributes greatly to the conversation, which is great all on its own, because Jen2 and PS are both under the influence. Come to think of it, PS was under the influence last week, so we’re not quite sure if it’s two distinct incidents or one really long hangover.

Changing the subject, where would PS and Jen2 want to be sold into marriage? Is PS squicked out by old-people!sex? Thank you for asking. Yes. Yes, she is. She didn’t think they had it, perhaps. Just like she didn’t think there were farms. That crazy PS. Meanwhile, Dethryl discusses the physics of planetary movement and rotation. No, that’s not a euphemism. We’ve been meaning to talk about it for thirty episodes. Luckily, he remembered. Please, Don’t Wake the Dragon (TM). Theon Greyjoy is a date rapist, just like Ron Weasley, and Jen2 and PS drool over the men of Westeros and Khal Drogo.

We have only a couple of things to mention about the HBO series. It’ll take no time at all, but who the hell is Ros? It’s Starbuck-is-a-girl all over again!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, Jen2, Richard, (Sort of Out There) PS, Aaron

Special Guests: Resident mascot Aaron’s keyboard (whose name will be revealed in episode 36!), Richard’s M&M’s
Runtime: 1’38’37
Editor: Dethryl

January 19, 2011

(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 29 – Siggles, Creeps, and Eunichs

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 3:22 am


Episode 29 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Continuing our B5-ASOAF see-saw, we pick up A Game of Thrones! Around Page 91 in the Hardcover and 99 in paperback. Kindle readers – good luck!

Jen2 is a very funny woman, right? We welcome her back to the podcast in true Poufwanian style — on narcotics! She and Dethryl hate on Sansa, Catelyn goes for a ride in a boat-boat, and your hosts lock themselves in the car!

Varys is a child molester, either has cancer or male pattern baldness, and may be Frosty the Snowman. Would this be a good time for Jen2 to discuss the bare minimum requirements for making popcorn?

Around 35 minutes, we completely lose it. Just a caution.

Fasten, Zip: Socks, Pants, and Bras!

And PS strips on air. For ratings.

The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, Jen2, and PS, with me way in the background and by no means responsible!

Runtime: 1’55’44
Editor: Dethryl
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