The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

June 13, 2013

(Babylon 5) Episode 65: Space Ticks, JMS Had Too Much Time to Fill, and More Nuclear Weapons

Filed under: Babylon 5 — Dethryl @ 4:16 pm

Tonight’s podcast was the first recording in season 4 production, but due to overwhelming negative reaction to Thirdspace it was pushed back in the release schedule. You may hear references to Deth and Kathryn’s wedding being two months away. Just roll with it. These things are coming out six months after the fact anyway.
Thirdspace is bad. There’s no getting around it. It’s bad Babylon 5 and it’s mediocre sci-fi. We try to find some positive things to say, but it’s slim pickings. We’re going to keep chugging in the B5 verse, so stay tuned for season 5 and the rest of the movies. Just not for awhile. The hosts and their livers need time to recover.
Where does this movie happen in the series chronology? None of these characters are on the station at the same time during season 4. Why is Delenn acting like a girly-girl? Everyone seems to just be going through the motions in this one. The hosts stopped taking notes and were playing Facebook games, checking email, and writing fic with the movie on in the background. It really is that disinteresting. We can’t recommend that you actually watch it.
Why you should listen to the episode anyway:
* Phallic microphones
* Ryan has gout.
* Kat is cursed.
* Ryan meets Mr. Faraday
* Kat and Deth have squick about Snape/Hermione
* Roach-gate
* Thai food

Maniacs: Deth, Kat, Kathryn, Ryan
Time: 1:33:40
Editor: Deth

December 25, 2011

(B5) Episode 54 – Kathryn is Not a Spooner, Musical Chairs, and the Hatred For Season Five

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 4:36 am


Episode 54 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released! Merry Christmas!

Tonight, Dethryl and Ryan sit down with Marcus Cole’s biggest fangirl to discuss the absolute awesomeness that is season four, in its entirety. PS hated the show and has stopped watching, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to know how it ends. We make her stick around and get the gradual revelation in a very Poufwanian fashion. Who knows what she thinks happened? Could be anything. The whole point is to tempt her into watching season five, which Dethryl predicts will make her start squeezing. Who’da’thunk?

We haven’t recorded in awhile and don’t remember how to start the call. Not having chatted for several months, we take a few minutes to discuss Where Are They Now? Ryan named his cat after Chuck. Dethryl is planning Castle and yet more Firefly. We discuss the Hunger Games movie trailer and that long-rumoured Poufwa Exchange episode on the series.

Startling revelations:

* Season 5 of B5 is awful, and we will tell you why and how it affected season 4.
* Dethryl stands up for Harmonians everywhere. Those who think he’s delusional can get stuffed. His words, not mine!

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Ryan, Dethryl, Danielle, and PS
Runtime: 2’33’45

Editor: Dethryl

August 21, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 45 – Purple Kosh…Purple Kosh!

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 4:23 pm


Episode 45 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

After much delay, we return to Babylon 5 space, capping off discussion of its third season with analysis of the episodes Walkabout through the literal cliffhanger Z’ha’dum!

It’s a great podcast. I even bring the wife!

This episode contains discussion of that Bucket woman, the shipping of PS and Aaron without a side of Robert from SpellCast, the shipping of Danielle and Marcus without a side of Ryan, new perspectives on fanny packs, the mystery something in Deth’s dog’s mouth that frightens him but thrills Mrs. Deth, my hat rack, the PS-GPS, and the giant mattress at the bottom of the hole.

Poufwa Exchange will return to Babylon 5 in a few weeks with discussion of Season 4 – all in one sitting! We will undoubtedly fail, but all of Season 4 will be up for grabs the next time we return.

For those planning ahead, we’ll return in a few days with a dual-length episode mainly covering Doctor Who and Torchwood. It will contain a historical conversion (i.e. Ryan is the slowest editor on planet Earth…) with my real-time thoughts watching Doctor Who Season 5 and Torchwood Season 2 for the first time. We’ll then jump ahead to our recent thoughts on Season 6.0 of Doctor Who and our theories of what will happen in next week’s Season 6.5 premiere.

If I haven’t coaxed enough Doctor Who fans to tune in, allow me to appeal to your inner-Poufwanian: I hack into Jen’s computer and you won’t believe what I find on her desktop!

You can also expect in the weeks ahead next-day podcast analysis of newly aired Torchwood and Doctor Who episodes along with historical discussion of older episodes of Doctor Who. We’re also ready to hit the release button on a two-part series on Firefly, a series on The Hunger Games, and our return to A Song of Ice and Fire.

Keep listening!

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Ryan, Dethryl, PS, Aaron, Danielle
Runtime: 2’05’11

Editor: Ryan

July 20, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 40 – Ryan is Sterile, Kosh Puma, and There’s Nothing Funny About Z’ha’dum

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 2:52 am


Episode 40 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa continues covering Season 3 of Babylon 5, picking up from the post-revolutionary Ceremonies of Light and Dark through the arc-heavy War Without End, Part II!

In this episode, PS shoots David Corwin in the nuts, disappointing his mother. Thing are very creepy, Dethryl becomes very upset over dresses and can’t substract, I go off on the in-laws and am amused by carrots, angry Kathryn’s mute button is perfectly useless, and post-Robert Aaron and Herbie have a very nice time.

Dig in with me. Now, Babylon 5, Season 3. Soon, Babylon 5, Season 4. Now, Poufwa, Season 2. Soon, Poufwa, Season 3. Ready? Okay.

Our next Babylon 5 episode will cap off the Babylon 5’s third season. In Poufwa Season 3, beginning in a few weeks, we will return to Babylon 5, covering its fourth season as a whole in one of our first episodes back. We’ll talk about this fantastic season until our voices cut out, but if you’re following along with us (and taking mini-vacations between podcasts), it’s soon time for a marathon.

And stay tune for Poufwa Exchange’s final batch episode on A Song of Ice and Fire and also coverage of Firefly, Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Walking Dead, Castle and The Hunger Games!

Happy listening!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, PS, Aaron, Kathryn
Peons: Herbie, PS’ couch

Runtime: 2’17’00
Editor: Ryan

May 31, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 36 – Herbie Saves the Day!

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 12:00 am


Episode 36 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

With the release of this episode, the Babylon 5 universe has lost another voice. Jeff Conaway has joined Andreas Katsulas, Richard Biggs, and Tim Choate beyond the Rim, and it is only fitting that tonight’s episodes so heavily showcase the character of Zack Allen.

Tonight, Poufwa jumps into Season 3, discussing Matters of Honor through Severed Dreams! The series arc kicks into prominent gear with these episodes, concluding in an unofficial three-parter that changes the series forever.

It’s quite the podcast! We finally manage to get Aaron’s microphone sensitivity to a reasonable level. Really. Kind of. A widdle. Speaking of widdle, Delenn stops by. Londo and G’Kar get trapped in an elevator. Think B5 jumped the shark? Slap yourself. There’s hilarity! I am a scared little girl when confronted by danger, or whenever it’s time to empty the trash. Vorlons are boob….not boob men. Vorlons are boob refrigerators.

Zima has a modern website. If you find it, tell me about it. The Macintosh System apparently is a lightweight.

Happy listening!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, Aaron, Kathryn

Runtime: 2’59’57 – Because 3 hours was just too long.
Editor: Dethryl

May 3, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 34 – The Narn Who Cried Octopus

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 1:52 am


Episode 34 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa resumes coverage of Babylon 5’s second season, discussing Knives through the spectacular season finale, The Fall of Night!

Join us for an encore of PS vs Season 2, a moment of Silence with Dr. Slytherin, and a call to arms for AU fanfic writers. I spend time in hyperspace…well, I’m just hyper, really, and persist in discussing any episode except Knives through the spectacular season finale, The Fall of Night, Markabs come up, Omly gets married (happy 1st anniversary!), and there’s some amazing character progressions and a Vorlon Inquisition.

Happy listening!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, PS, Kathryn

Runtime: 2’13’46
Editor: Dethryl

April 1, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 32 – There’s an Episode Coming Up…

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 5:41 pm


Episode 32 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa’s coverage of Babylon 5’s second season resumes, with discussion of episodes GROPOS through and including In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum!

Interstellar war threatens the promise of Babylon 5 and anything not bolted down begins its trek towards the fan. These episodes deepen the arcs begun in Season 1’s Signs and Portents, as covered in Poufwa Exchange 26, and if you’ve been scratching your head and hoping for answers, the last episode of the set is one not to miss!

In this episode, we belatedly celebrate the anniversary of the launch of the second half of PS’ H/G-filled life, listen to her whine when given constructive criticism from her beta reader, remind you that much of this description was written by her beta reader, stop the presses to do a quick class on how to convert word documents to HTML, and we tell a boat story! It involves Melindaleo’s boat, a sandbar, the tow service, and did I mention Jen Classic was onboard? I mock PS’ lack of Mac-intosh…System…knowledge, Dethryl plays the Poufwa drinking game and gets alcohol poisoning, and we show our work from the homework assignment of Sheridan versus Sinclair!

The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, Incognito23, PS, Aaron, and Aaron’s keyboard

Runtime: 2’17’39
Editor: Dethryl

March 15, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 30 – The Katherines, Captain Orange Juice, and Mary Ann

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 2:29 am


Let’s call it the very early launch of Season 2.5. Episode 30 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa launches the first of three episodes covering the second season of Babylon 5, starting with Points of Departure and the arrival of Captain John Sheridan, and concluding with the arc-heavy Coming of Shadows, winner of the 1996 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation. I’ll refrain from mentioning it beat Apollo 13 and Deep Space Nine’s The Visitor, which on fourth viewing continues to turn my wife into a puddle of tears that can cook.

In tonight’s episode, you may just find a Seinfeld-inspired PotterFicWeekly reunion, Saul 3G, the pros and cons of security cameras, famine, pestilence, the third thing, the position of Mama PS on smut, an AU where Jesus shopped at the Salvation Army, the explosion of my brain from the last bullet point, ca-COONs, politics, and the death of PS’ will.

The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, PS, Dethryl, Kathryn II, Cog, LadyChi, Matt

Runtime: 2’22’06
Editor: Ryan

January 6, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 28 – Fasten Zip!

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 12:19 am


Episode 28 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Kicking off 2011, the Poufwanians gather tonight to break down the final half of Babylon 5’s first season, covering TKO through Chrysalis, or Chrysaylis – whatever it’s called!

This episode contains one assassination attempt, an over-under of 482 snorts, a visit to North Korea, several ghostly reindeer, at least six bone jokes, and debate of the most defining question of our time: fasten-zip, or zip-fasten?

The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, PS, Dethryl, Kathryn, Aaron, Aaron’s Keyboard, and introducing Incognito!

Runtime: 2’46’30
Editor: Ryan

November 7, 2010

(Babylon 5) Episode 26 – Jeff and Mike are Nice and the Missing Pants of Jason Ironheart

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 2:33 am


Episode 26 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Forgive the lateness of this episode.  We couldn’t find what I lovingly refer to as “the damn release button.”

For the next several weeks, the Poufwa Exchange will alternate between discussion and analysis of J. MIchael Straczynski’s, Babylon 5, and George RR Martin’s A Game of Thrones. Babylon 5 is up tonight, with a double-length episode covering the first thirteen episodes, from Midnight on the Firing Line through to the key episode of Signs and Portents, for which the season is named.

In tonight’s episode:

* I have a fever of 102.6, have an hour-long phone discussion with Apple technical support which to this day I don’t remember, had a heated conversation with Mrs. Huggles who as it turns out was not in the room but twenty-three miles away, and despite our little production’s colorful and vicodin-fueld history, was too incapacitated to participate for at least ninety minutes.

* We welcome Kathryn as a new host of the Poufwa Exchange!  Her first assignment is to spend the bulk of this episode duct-taped in the corner.

* PS may once have been a murder suspect, but promises she is not a sexual predator.  Relief fills the audience.

* Aaron breaks in our new Explicit barrier!

* Jen Classic prank calls my mother.

* PS does not have the technology.

* S does not stand for “Special.”

* Dethryl discovers the joys of monologuing.

* PS looks within herself. Conclusion: She’s a slashy slasher.

* Humans will eventually evolve telepathy and need something like the Psi-Corps to protect human freedom.

* Libertarians will win planet-wide office…in a couple hundred years.

* Lt. Commander Ivanova is much, much cooler than Lt. Commander Takashima.

* Everyone likes Londo. Everyone likes G’Kar. Everyone likes Londo and G’Kar in the same scenes.

* PS is not drunk.

* PS and Aaron are not Centauri.

* We figure out where the light from ten years ago went.

* Lucky 13

Next Time on Poufwa Exchange:

Roughly the first 100 pages of A Game of Thrones

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: (Really Out there) Slytherin Actual, Lt. David Corwin, (Sort of Out There) Poufwa Actual, Mr. Aaron, Ensign Kathryn

Special Guest And Mascot Since The Goat Died: Aaron’s keyboard, to be named at a later time.
Runtime: 3’54’59
Editor: PS, Dethryl and Ryan
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