The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

October 30, 2011

(The Walking Dead) Episode 51 – The Ryan and Other Jen Meet the Man with the Funny Hat

Filed under: The Walking Dead — ryan @ 11:51 pm


Episode 51 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Please forgive the lateness of this episode. I have a Poufwanian cat.

In tonight’s extreme and barely edited edition of our podcast, we return to the Ryan and Other Jen show! Jen2 and I offer our thoughts on the first two episodes of The Walking Dead‘s second season, A New Day and Family Matters.

While AMC offers The Talking Dead and well-researched and considered analysis, we opt for the Poufwanian approach: We may not know all their names, but we do have opinions!

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Ryan, Jen2
Runtime: 1’11’25

Editor: Ryan

November 25, 2010

(The Walking Dead) Special Edition 1 – Bring out your Dead…

Filed under: The Walking Dead — ryan @ 4:23 am


Because we’d have to renumber every single episode in post-production if we called this Episode 27, Special Edition 1 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Once upon a time there was a boy named Ryan.  He balances his checkbook for fun and hates zombies.  Those are his things.  He’s mildly obsessed with Doctor Who.  And BattleStar Galactica.  But not zombies.  Hates those.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Jen.  Since she showed up late and that username was taken by a plucky Texan, she picked Jen2 instead. Hard to believe that was still available.  Jen2 collects hard drives and is one of those Black Friday shoppers.  You know the type.  Tents and the like.  But no zombies.  Hates those more than Ryan does.

One day, Jen2’s mother…something…made her watch The Walking Dead on AMC Sunday evenings at 10/9 central.  For sport, or perhaps on a bet. We think she missed the zombies.

This next bit’s a little weird.  Jen2 loved it.   She didn’t know why, so she blackmailed Ryan. As one does. She had pictures…and things. She told him to watch The Walking Dead on AMC Sunday evenings at 10/9 central, and see what happened  So he did it, because…you know…of the pictures, and worse…the things.

Lightning struck twice. Ryan could see the three tachyon pulses and needed a static warp shell to save the universe. Zombies…done well!

If you’re scratching your head, just read this.

Police officer Rick Grimes leads a group of survivors in a world overrun by zombies.

Stop reading. That was rubbish. Try this instead.

Join two zombie-hating-converts in this three-part journey into the most addictive television series of the season, beginning tonight with review of the first four episodes of AMC’s The Walking Dead!

And mind your stomachs.

This series is strongly rated R for language and wicked scary images. Grown men have cried at less. Not me though. I was brave.

The Wackjobs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Jen2

Runtime: 1’17’30
Editor: Jen2

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