The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

May 31, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 36 – Herbie Saves the Day!

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 12:00 am


Episode 36 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

With the release of this episode, the Babylon 5 universe has lost another voice. Jeff Conaway has joined Andreas Katsulas, Richard Biggs, and Tim Choate beyond the Rim, and it is only fitting that tonight’s episodes so heavily showcase the character of Zack Allen.

Tonight, Poufwa jumps into Season 3, discussing Matters of Honor through Severed Dreams! The series arc kicks into prominent gear with these episodes, concluding in an unofficial three-parter that changes the series forever.

It’s quite the podcast! We finally manage to get Aaron’s microphone sensitivity to a reasonable level. Really. Kind of. A widdle. Speaking of widdle, Delenn stops by. Londo and G’Kar get trapped in an elevator. Think B5 jumped the shark? Slap yourself. There’s hilarity! I am a scared little girl when confronted by danger, or whenever it’s time to empty the trash. Vorlons are boob….not boob men. Vorlons are boob refrigerators.

Zima has a modern website. If you find it, tell me about it. The Macintosh System apparently is a lightweight.

Happy listening!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, Aaron, Kathryn

Runtime: 2’59’57 – Because 3 hours was just too long.
Editor: Dethryl

May 18, 2011

(A Song Of Ice And Fire) Episode 35 – Dethryl and the need to Re-Read HP Canon

Filed under: A Song of Ice and Fire — ryan @ 2:36 am


Episode 35 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

In tonight’s podcast:

* Poufwa resumes discussion of A Song of Ice and Fire and does that thing where you’re driving an RV and excuse yourself to get a steaming cup of coffee and perhaps a donut from the back and then realize you were in charge of steering the damn thing and the cruise control is on and even though death is imminent you still find a place to carefully set down the coffee because you don’t want it to splash or anything, and all of a sudden this is a World of WarCraft podcast where PS is holding the WoW manual upside down and squinting and Jen2 looks half her age and is doing a Moaning Myrtle impression talking about killing and death while still forgetting to record the last The Walking Dead podcast with me…

* and something about a Stallion Mounting the World and hot pie.

This episode delves into the characters of Dany, Sansa, and Eddard. Because it’s fun and chapter-by-chapter got locked in the trunk.

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Jen2, Aaron

Runtime: 1’56’10
Editor: Dethryl

May 3, 2011

(Babylon 5) Episode 34 – The Narn Who Cried Octopus

Filed under: Babylon 5 — ryan @ 1:52 am


Episode 34 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Tonight, Poufwa resumes coverage of Babylon 5’s second season, discussing Knives through the spectacular season finale, The Fall of Night!

Join us for an encore of PS vs Season 2, a moment of Silence with Dr. Slytherin, and a call to arms for AU fanfic writers. I spend time in hyperspace…well, I’m just hyper, really, and persist in discussing any episode except Knives through the spectacular season finale, The Fall of Night, Markabs come up, Omly gets married (happy 1st anniversary!), and there’s some amazing character progressions and a Vorlon Inquisition.

Happy listening!

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Ryan, Dethryl, PS, Kathryn

Runtime: 2’13’46
Editor: Dethryl

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