(The Hunger Games) Episode 57 – Manners!, Where’s Rinna and Happy Birthday, Jen2
Episode 57 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!
Join us as we get together to discuss The Hunger Games movie. Jen2 is podcasting from a fish tank and can’t find her mute button (until I, being underwater, make a startling discovery that saves everyones’ ears) and Tricia has unexpected company. We start the night with four podcasters and quickly drop down to two. Along the way, Jen2 over-shares, I am proud and we find out that Jennifer Lawrence is a true Poufwanian.
Also, I really want to do another Walking Dead episode with Jen2, but am so out of practice that my monologue leaves me breathless.
The Maniacs Responsible for this Production Ryan, Sue, Jen2, mslupin
Runtime: 1’17’57
Editor: Sue
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