The Poufwa Exchange Podcast

March 30, 2013

(Stargate) Episode 62 – Hammond of Texas, Jarheads, and Singing

Filed under: Stargate — Dethryl @ 5:06 pm

Episode 62 of Poufwa Exchange launches Season 4!

We’re back! We’re under new management! For the first season, Poufwa Exchange was a collection of one-offs. It was a lot of fun, but there was no schedule, per se. Ryan, Deth, and PS split off from PotterFicWeekly at the end of season 3 to revive Poufwa Exchange for a second season that dove into the depths of Babylon 5 and A Game Of Thrones. Toward the end we saw the return of Jen Classic as she joined Ryan to discuss Doctor Who and Torchwood. Season 3 was more decentralized (read: chaotic!) and small groups covered lots of diverse things. We finally covered Firefly, which we had promised to do for years. Now Ryan and Jen have gotten in a car together, gone to abduct Sue from PFW and Bob from Spellcast, and can be heard over on Point of View Weekly, leaving Dethryl to keep the lights on here. He promptly got the best technical help possible, and we welcome Kat to the podcast as a full-time host. Everyone clear on that?

Dethryl and Kathryn are engaged. The wedding is three weeks away — at least at the time of this recording. We’re not very timely with these things, as you may be aware… They did actually go through with it, and Kat was even a guest.

In this episode we’re covering a very old sci-fi movie and the pilot for the spin-off of the TV series that went on to become the longest continuous running in the genre. Deth and Kat have a mutual passion and are exchanging with Kathryn. Bob and Evan from the forum join us, and Scott drops in from PFW.

The Maniacs Responsible for this Production: Deth, Kat, Kathryn, Bob, Evan, and Scott.
Runtime: 2’26’06

Editor: Deth

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