June 15, 2014
(Harry Potter) Episode 72 – Ron Weasley, Man Of Many Spoons
We continue our aggressively in-depth discussion of the Harry Potter canon. Last time we only made it through five chapters. Tonight we only do four, and we can’t blame it all on Chi this time. God, help us; we’ve decided to cover the entire canon.
Kat is celebrating her first podcast in her new apartment. She has a bottle of wine and also, as it turned out, the flu. She goes skipping through the daisies and uses her dramatic voice a lot. Moony has improved vision, but it was just a cruel trick. rae makes magical jell-o. Scarlett is having two summers. Because of this good fortune, she is therefore quite brilliant tonight. She claims it comes with being a Ravenclaw, but we don’t hold to house stereotypes around here. Deth has a new job. Now he won’t get to watch Judge Judy all day. He has since left this job and started another right across the street. This episode was recorded a year ago. The fact that Deth has a new job is the reason you’re getting this episode a year late.
It’s totally WeasleyCast tonight. Lots of discussion about the Weasley twins. Lots of Ron. Like, seriously, lots. Every one of the hosts has a problem with him. The odd mention of Harry, Hermione, and Neville.
Startling Revelations:
* rae is a Dalek, reluctantly.
* Moony is an emotional wreck.
* Scarlett is still under age to drink with us.
* Kat has house pride.
* Deth insists upon logic.
Hosts: Dethryl, Kat, Moony, raesive, Scarlett
Time: 3:50:12
Editor: Deth