(A Song of Ice and Fire) Episode 37 – The Fact of the Matter is…


Episode 37 of the Poufwa Exchange has been released!

Welcome back to A Game of Thrones, by George Martin!

This episode boasts character discussion of Ed and Cate…on paper.

Tonight’s podcast features the return of Sansa-Gate. Allow yourself a moment to digest. In a shocking plot twist, PS, notorious bleeding heart still reeling from the discovery of World of Warcraft, has no love for an eight year old boy who gets thrown out a window! Richard may call Deth an arsehole, and Deth may call PS a bitch, but at least we can agree that Cersei is EVIL!! Golden Props to Mike for starting most of us on this book!

GRRM needs to stop boozing and whoring and write the next book, dammit! My, that was harsh. Joffrey is a little bitch-boy. Harsher. The new Google image search sucks, Omly relates the resurgence of maggots in modern medicine. At the mention of maggots, my inner eight year old girl returns.

Lastly, a public service announcement: If Aaron tried being gay, he might like it.

The Maniacs Responsible For This Production: Dethryl, PS, Richard, Aaron, (Apprentice Maniac) Omly

Runtime: 2’16’41

Editor: Dethryl